

I'm Rasio Atmaja.

I'm a software engineer, Researcher


Bits of codes

Every small experiment, inspired ideas, and coffee I drink, I turn into the code that builds these masterpieces


Awesome Journey

My career journey as software engineer

Backend Engineer

Engineering Divsion, IDN Media

2019 - Now

As backend engineer my team and i, build and maintain the quality and stability Golang and PHP microservice to support the company’s vision to democratize information for Millennials and Gen Z. We also build workflows for Azure pipeline and Github Actions to perform automate Golang unit tests, linting, code coverage and deployment of docker images to the docker registry.

Graduated with a Computer Science Degree

Computer Science Faculty, Brawijaya University

2015 - 2019

On my finals project i build an app to measure maintability index on java project. On this project i use 3 matrix, Halstead matrix, Cyclomatic Complexity and Maintaibility index itself. The value that produce from this application can help the developer to decide whether a project has a good or bad level of maintenance

PHP Developer Intern

Brawijaya Library, Brawijaya University


During my internship I was challenged to design, build and deploy PHP Rest-API to meet user requirments which provides access to book information, book transactions to departments and faculties in Brawijaya University.

Lab Assitant

Basis Data laboratory Computer Science Faculty

2016 - 2018

Assist lecturers and 41 students in the practical process of database systems using Microsoft SQL Server. Perform analysis and assessment of student reports in writing SQL queries.


That's a little story about me

If you would like to discuss about your ideas πŸ’‘, programming πŸ€–, space πŸ›Έ or whatever pops into your mind, you can reach me on LinkedIn, Twitter or send me a message at [email protected]